This October marks the tenth anniversary of Michael Kors’ Watch Hunger Stop campaign in support of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). A decade after its launch, Watch Hunger Stop has reached the major milestone of delivering 30 million school meals to children in need—an achievement made possible by the extraordinary support and generosity of friends all over the world.


Tattoo artist and creative director Maxime Plescia-Buchi, of creative agency Sang Bleu, brought his intricate line work to a futuristic graphic that features a globe in the shape of a heart. “The process of creating the design was a group effort that involved weeks of back and forth between the Sang Bleu and Michael Kors teams. The symbols of a heart and a globe are simple, but it took many different points of view to distill the design into something that feels universal,” says Plescia-Buchi.

“Women and children make up the majority of people who are going hungry, and one of the things that the school meals program does is allow young women to have an education.”


“We can change the lives of families and children—one lunch at a time.”


All profits from the sale of the special-edition watch, 100% organic-cotton T-shirt and recycled-canvas tote go to WFP.*


Find our “Share Your Heart” Instagram filter on the @MichaelKors Instagram profile in the filters tab. For each person who shares a photo or video with the filter, we’ll donate the value of 50 meals to WFP.*

*For each special-edition Watch Hunger Stop watch purchased from a Michael Kors retail store or official Michael Kors website, Michael Kors will donate 200 meals to WFP. For each Watch Hunger Stop T-shirt or tote purchased from a Michael Kors retail store or official Michael Kors website, Michael Kors will donate 100 meals (equivalent to US $25) for the t-shirt and 216 meals (equivalent to US $54) for the tote to WFP. In total, Michael Kors will donate up to four million meals to WFP through September 30, 2024. All funds raised will be donated to WFP USA, a 501(c)(3) US charity that supports the programs of WFP. WFP does not endorse any product or service.